Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

May 10-14

May 10-14 Learning Plans

Click on the learning plan below for your child's class. You can click directly on the links in the learning plans or you can peruse the videos below to find what you are looking for. 

  • I am also linking all the printable pages below the activities so that you can print off anything that either got lost or just needs a redo. 

Please message me on Seesaw if you are having trouble finding anything!



Peter Escapes from Prison

Talk about:

  1. Why did Peter get thrown into prison?
  2. How did he escape from Prison? 
  3. God will be with us when we go through hard times. When have you felt bad and God helped you feel better? 

Then you can do this activity together. 


Saul's Conversion

Talk about:

  1. What was Saul like before he met Jesus?
  2. How did Jesus change him?
  3. How does Jesus change you and make you better?

You can download this maze

LA Activities



1. Printing Practice: Bouncers 

1.      Printing Practice:

a.      Bouncers (h,b,r,m,n,p)

b.      On the back draw a picture: What are you looking forward to doing this summer?– add words/sentences to your picture

Short u “Read and Find”